Love, Joy, Peace...

I'm New Here...

Visiting any church for the first time can be quite an intimidating experience. We want to put you at ease and let you know that you can expect a warm welcome into a friendly environment from people who are genuinely pleased to see you. 

What can I expect?

Grab a cup of coffee on your way in from our Welcome Desk, just inside the church building and then take a seat. Typically we start the Sunday Service with some prayer, sung worship led by our band as well as taking communion together. Half way through the service, at about 11:00am, the children and young people exit and go to their activities. These activities are led by trained, experienced, DBS checked volunteers who provide an interesting and fun experience for everyone. After they exit the adults remain in the main hall and someone will share a relevant, interesting talk from our current Bible teaching series. 

At the end of the service there's often an opportunity to respond to what you've just heard through quiet reflection, prayer or a time of sung worship. 

As the service finishes for the adults in the main hall the children and young people will finish their activities and come and meet you. 

When & Where Does it Happen?

Our services are held at Rumney Chapel, Brachdy Road, Rumney, Cardiff. CF3 3BG. 

Service Times

Sunday Service 10:30am

Our Small Groups are held in many different locations on different days through the week. You can find out more at the Welcome Desk.